Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dwight Howard Trade Rumors: Derrick Rose Wise to Stay out of It

Ever since the news broke that there was going to be a 2011 NBA season, the talks about where Chris Paul and Dwight Howard would land began.

Paul has found his destination with the Los Angeles Clippers. Howard, on the other hand, is still in Orlando waiting to be traded.

It's been made clear by Howard that he is really only interested in being traded to three teams. The superstar would like to land with the New Jersey Nets, Los Angeles Lakers or Dallas Mavericks.

That hasn't stopped rumors from circling. It hasn't stopped Bulls fans from talking about the possibility of him heading to Chicago.

It's unlikely that Howard will end up in Chicago. It's not a destination he seems very sold on. This has caused many to question why there is not more lobbying from superstar Derrick Rose to bring Howard to town.

Fans want Rose to reach out and try to convince Howard, but simply put, it's just not the smart thing to do.

Rose has made it clear in an interview with ESPN Chicago that he won't reach out to Howard. He is completely right in that decision.

Whether or not you think it would be difficult to convince Howard is beside the point. Think about the message Rose would send to his teammates if he did reach out to Howard.

Should Rose reach out to Howard?
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Do you think Joakim Noah would appreciate Rose trying to replace him. Do you think Carlos Boozer would appreciate the star of the town trying to send him packing.

Of course not.

This is a team that can make a deep playoff run and possible a championship push without Howard.

Why would Rose want to jeopardize the chemistry in the locker room and respect of his teammates by making a push for a player when there is little chance he would join forces anyway.

It's fine to talk about the possibility of Howard heading to Chicago, but don't expect Rose to do anything to make it happen.

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