Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Psychological Study of Web Designs Important Factors in Website Designing:

Psychological Study of Web Designs
Important Factors in Website Designing:

There are some factors which act like determinants for making a good website. These actually contribute a lot in enhancing the usability and experience of the visitors on the website. The factors are listed below:

You need to be very particular about images that suit your website the best.
The focus of the page— the area where your eyes tend to look when you visit a page for the first time.
Be particular about the object you tend to focus on— a single wrong move can ruin the expected traffic
Get a hold of your competitors— what their website look like.
Simplicity is the best policy and there is a need to create a balance between quantity and quality— be concise and qualitative.

Symbolism of Colours

Colours are the non-verbal communicators and go beyond the limits of ink. It all depends on how our mind perceive and associate meanings with each colour. But the colours have a deep impact on how your visitors perceive your site, reinforcing the message you want to portray, only if the selection of the colours is right.


Fiery and passionate, strength, boldness, excitement, determination, desire, courage. It stimulates people to make quick decisions.


Enthusiasm, cheerfulness, affordability, stimulation, creativity, and is highly accepted among young people.


A warm, happy color. It is attention-grabbing, comfort, liveliness, intellect, happiness, energy. It stimulates mental activity.


Durability, reliability, safety, honesty, optimism, harmony, freshness. Green can sometimes represent inexperience. On the flip side, green is sometimes associated with envy or jealousy. It has been known to drive people away, so in most cases, unless the website is associated with nature, it is better to use it only for website accents.


Depth, stability, professionalism, loyalty, reliability, honour, trust. It proves to be calming and cool, but too much can be depressing. It is often associated with corporate images.


Long associated with royalty and wealth. It’s also a spiritual colour— power,nobility, luxury, mystery, royalty, elegance, magic are its phenomenal characteristics.


Elegance, sophistication, formality, strength, mystery, with a bit of chameleon touch.


Cleanliness, purity, newness, virginity, peace, innocence, and simplicity.


A wholesome and down-to-earth colour that denotes stability and reliability.


Neutral and balanced. Conservatism, traditionalism, intelligence, seriousness depicts “Grey”.

Colours make us feel a certain way, so they can and should be used to support the purpose of a website.

“Whitespace,” or “negative space” is the space between elements in a composition. More specifically, the space between major elements in a composition is “macro whitespace.” - MARK BOULTON - Whitespace article for A list Apart

Don't let your visitors experience the negative space on your site. Try and encourage your readers to focus on a thing and then, take the appropriate action.

A sitemap, is very important so that it gives the reader an idea that every single page consists a single objective and it rules out.

Try and make sure that you at least have a choice to figure out the best element.

Rather than merely being the production of online decoration, web design is an effort of direction and communication. The main goal of such a psychologically triggered web design is to strike a balance between client preferences, design principles, and trial-and-error tests based on end-user analytics data. It should be an on-going process incorporating all the essentials.

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