Saturday, January 7, 2012

Obama isn't solely responsible for the economy

The American people seem extremely excited about not re-electing President Barack Obama. Their primary concern is that the president has not created enough jobs.
The Republicans are using the job situation as a rallying point to get votes. Jobs have been the focal point of all the Republican candidates campaigning for president. There are several major factors that Americans should consider in relation to jobs.
The Republican Congress blocked almost every attempt by the president to pass a jobs bill. I think the Iraq war, which has been ongoing for almost 10 years, has created a hardship on the American economy. The outsourcing of millions of jobs overseas had to have a direct effect on employment.
We can't hold the president responsible for the overall job loss. The job problems were in place when Obama was elected. Since becoming president, he has signed into law two major bills that will benefit most Americans.
Recently, one of the major Republican candidates said that "President Obama has not created any new jobs." Based on an article in Think Progress, the private sector has added 2.3 million new jobs since March 2010, and it took the Obama economy one year to create more jobs.

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