Monday, October 3, 2011

Social Network beggars?

Social Network beggars?
I am so shocked of the fun stuff I have been reading lately on Facebook and Twitter and even places like kijiji.
I don't know if its just me who has a problem with this but lately I am seeing so many people creating groups or the like to ask for money to pay for things like spaying their dog, help with medical costs, help with repairing things, or just plain wanting money to purchase something they want, Idont know why this rubs me so wrongly but it does.

Every one of the situations, I mean, YES we all know that life throws us curve balls from time to time and times get really rough for some of us but what I dont understand is, as an example. If you know me, like real life know me, you would know I have some odd tastes in the things I like (ie expensive at times), I have more animals than one person really should have and right now I dont have a job to say.

However, I have ALWAYS been under the impression that if you can not afford to care for something adequately then perhaps you should not have it, and I may have a few things like the Doo for example that really I did not need to get myself but wanted it. Now, if all my animals were to get sick and need some major medical attention that would cost upwards of lets say $15 000 ( keep in mind I do have 6 dogs and 3 horses and 3 cats) there is not a chance in hell I wouldn't sell my Doo, my dream car, take out a loan or two, ask family privately or even friends... but I just dont see myself ever publically asking people to donate money to me to pay for what I TOOK ON.

Last time I checked, what is mine is my problem. I had to get a tow truck to take my beloved Tiburon home today, I 'could' have driven it, but with a seized back brake I chose not to. Yes I got a bit of a deal on my tow call, and the garage I am going to will cost me a lot less than it would have to go to Canadian Tire or something to get my car fixed, thanks to having connections, and really NO I dont have the money to fix it ( so I just wont for a week or so, no big deal, just take the truck for now) but I dont feel that I need to fund raise to have my brakes fixed or that the world for some reason should know I cant afford basic maintanance of my car. ( I just did I know but not in the same context lol)

Take Elmo for instance... he was a 'rescue' of sorts, I chose to keep him, I chose to take him on, all expenses that I will face with him ect over his life time and dont for a minute think I did not think it through. There was a lot of number crunching, right down to figuring out annual vet check, feeding, vaccinations vs titers, legal stuff, and EMERGENCY consideration ( ie big vet bills) for having a sixth dog here. Not to mention time, grooming, extra poop, another crate, smaller bed, smaller collars ect. I had him neutered at my cost, 2 days after having a horse gelded ( who I also did the previous number crunch with prior to buying but add in annual teeth floating, farrier work every 6 weeks, extra feed for a draft mix horse, training costs and so on.) I didn't ask for help to have those testicles removed with in a few days of each other, having a vet call and paying for the vets "time" for exam and vaccinations, Elmo's neuter, blood work and all that jazz...

However, so many people seem to be expecting their friends or aquaintances to pitch in on the things they are choosing to have.
The way I see it, especially when it comes to animals, you cant put it off, when they're sick or hurt they need attention NOW. SO, the logic side of me thinks that everyone would factor these potentials into their decision to obtain said animal no? Apparently not.
I guess an impaction, hit by car or spay is not something that people will think their dogs will ever have, or they are some how protected from accidents.
Now when it comes to material or 'luxury nonsense' everything breaks, everything will need repair or could. So if your brakes seize its your problem is it not? Some people NEED their car in working condition ASAP. If I did not have a spare vehicle here to turn to, and was working, my car would have been getting fixed at the nearest garage ASAP. I live in the country, I commute to work ( when I work) and to be with out wheels is just not an option for me. There is no public transit, it would be cheaper to rent a car than get a cab to come out here twice a day and I wouldnt feel right relying on friends or family for more than one trip ( again my pride I guess) so... if I had no other choice I probably would have chosen a car that the parts are cheaper, its easier to fix at home, and parts are much easier to come by than the car I did. Again this is all stuff I thought through prior to signing papers for said car.

I dont get it. Seems like I'm the only one that really has a problem with social network begging, apparently it is acceptable to an extent. However what is the limit? Fund raising for non profit I have NO PROBLEM with. But when it comes to something that someone owns and has conciously chosen to have I personally find it wrong.

Oh well. End that rant for now.
I have far more crap on my plate than that I can chew right now, I have so much on my mind, still standing at cross roads and looking around like I have landed on a strange planet or am standing at the corner of Axmith and Axmith, the nexus of the universe in Elliot Lake, and wondering where the hell I should go from there. I really dont think I should be wasting too much energy on the previous rant.

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